[ARCHIVED] missing data in the requests table?

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Community Novice

It looks like in our requests table, there are no assignment, conversation, discussion or quiz links:

canvas=> select * from requests where quiz_id is not null or conversaion_id is not null or discussion_id is not null or assignment_id is not null limit 10;

id | user_id | course_id | account_id | user_account_id | course_account_id | url_id | quiz_id | discussion_id | conversaion_id | assignment_id | url | timestamp | user_request | user_agent | participated | http_method | remote_ip | interaction_micros


(0 rows)

I found one of my requests, by querying using the user_id and url, (select * from requests where user_id = 284958281182175157 and url like '%/assignments/%';) and found this id in the list:

canvas=> select * from requests where id = '0477fec0-cd9c-0131-1377-1238d537ad9d';

                  id                  |      user_id       |    course_id    | account_id | user_account_id | course_account_id |     url_id      | quiz_id | discussion_id | conversaion_id | assignment_id |                 url                 |      timestamp      | user_request |                                    user_agent                                     | participated | http_method | remote_ip | interaction_micros


0477fec0-cd9c-0131-1377-1238d537ad9d | 284958281182175157 | 100000000893967 |            |                 |                   | 100000002467387 |         |               |                |               | /courses/893967/assignments/2467387 | 2014-06-03 22:26:24 |              | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0 |              | GET         |           |             932489

(1 row)

based on the output of select * from assignment_dim where canvas_id = 2467387; I would expect the assignment_id column in that result to have the value 100000002467387

Is that field intentionally left blank?  The ER diagram shows links to the correct tables.

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1 Solution

Hi Patrick,

I remember seeing this particular issue in the past, however I'm no longer able to recreate it on my end anymore. Should be resolved at this point. Can you let us know if it's still an issue for you.


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