Different Notification Settings for Each Course

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Community Novice

Now that we have moved to Continuous Learning and can no longer meet face to face with our students, we have added all teachers on our 8th grade team to all our courses. That way if a student is in a zoom with them and has a question, we can look at each other's courses and help out.

However, now my notifications are blowing up with submissions, grading to-do's, and many other things from those other courses.

It would help tremendously if we could set notifications for each course separately. Is that possible?

Thank you!

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @shsmith2  Welcome to the Canvas Community! What you've described is not currently possible. However, the ability to mute notifications per course is coming in the very next release (Canvas Release Notes (2020-04-18)‌.

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