In new quizzes, can you have more than one hot spot?

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I'm trying to make graphing questions where students need to plot 3 points to form a triangle and the graph 3 more points to translate the triangle.  Is this possible in new quizzes?

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @byager ...

I'm not sure if I'm interpreting your question correctly or not, but I don't think hotspot questions in New Quizzes work they way you are describing.  Are you wanting students to click on different spots within an image?  The purpose of Hot Spot question types is to define an area of an existing image that is "correct".  This Guide gives a great example where Thomas Jefferson is the only person that will be marked "correct".  Clicking on any other part of the image will result in an incorrect answer.  How do I create a Hot Spot question in New Quizzes?

I hope this helps a bit, Bev.  Sing out if you have any other questions.  Stay safe, and be well.

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