Turning quizzes on and off for individual/groups of students

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So we are transitioning from Moodle to Canvas this fall which means we have to think differently about a lot of things. In Moodle, I could "turn on and off" a quiz for individuals or groups at any time. I'm not sure how this functions in Canvas. I assumed it was the assign groups section but then I read that if I removed "Everyone" after students had taken it then their scores would be erased! Basically, when my 2nd period physics class is in session I want to open the test for them but not my 3rd period class and then when 3rd period class shows up turn on for them and not for my other sections. Normally, it will be turned off for everyone but if a student comes in and would like to take it or retake it, I would just like to go in and turn it on for that student. I'm using New Quizzes and have been looking at the Moderate section but not sure if there's an easier way to do what I'm trying to do. I would prefer not to have to deal with dates and just turn on and off but not sure this is possible. 

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Hi @marchermon 

Having lived in higher education for a lifetime or two, I sometimes still forget how differently organized K-12 courses can sometimes be. I would not use the same course for each period; but rather, an individual course for each period.

Anyways, It can still be done with a tad bit of hinking.....

I hope this helps,


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Hi again, @marchermon 

Yes, there will be a learning curve for your teachers, but they will get it.

Best route is as you said, set the quiz for one attempt, Leave it open, and manage the exceptions. Much less work! We all like less work.

Good luck,


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