One-Sheet Guides for Canvas/Canvas Guía del Maestro

Community Contributor

Canvas Community y comunidad española,

There are many one-sheet guides out there, but just in case if you were looking for a single-sheet (dual sided) instructional PDF on Canvas...

Attached are the same guides in English and in Spanish. 

Example in English

Example of One-Sheet Guides for Canvas

Ejemplo en español

Ejemplo Canvas Guía del Maestro

Profesores de español, agradecería su ayuda si mi traducción y la de Google están desactivadas. 🙂

The PDFs are editable. The branding and specified Canvas URL are the only edits you will need to make in Adobe Acrobat DC Pro or another PDF editing tool.

Hope they help!


Community team ( @scottdennis ‌ et al.) - I wasn't sure where else to tag or post this Doc page.