Leaderboards and Badges on Canvas

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Hi Everyone!

I want to create leaderboards and badges for my students to use in Canvas. I am a teacher, and do not have on-campus Canvas support. My school just converted to Canvas during Summer 2024, so I doubt we are using the Legacy version.
One method I've come across in online searches is adding the Badgr external app to each of my courses. However, when I try to install it via Course Settings, I am asked for a Consumer Key and a Shared Secret — and I have no idea what those are. Can you help? I will attach two screenshots of what I am encountering. 
Also, is there any other way to add leaderboards, badges, and other gamification to my courses, besides Badgr? I'm very interested in this, and will appreciate hearing any ideas you have.
Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing from you!
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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @MusicSuzanne !

There is a guide in the Canvas Community that shows how to install the newer version of Canvas Badges (formerly known as Badgr).  The guide starts off talking about how to install the LTI in a Canvas instance.  However, further down in the guide it starts discussing how the LTI can be added in a course.  Here is a link that should hopefully take you to the spot in the guide where the instructions for adding it to a course begins.

Over the years, I have researched a variety of different badging options.  In my opinion, none of the ones I previously have found were as good as the free version Badgr/Canvas Badges for a variety of reasons.  Some options limited the amount of badges that could be awarded.  Other options limited the amount of people who could be awarded badges.  And of course some of them didn't work specifically with Canvas.  

Hope this helps with what you were looking for.  Let me know if you have additional questions.

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