Is Anyone Struggling with Catalog New Analytics Workflows?

Community Contributor

I received a workflow complaint about New Catalog Analytics from one of our Catalog admins. Is anyone else experiencing this or is this an opportunity for us to work with the user to smooth over the rough edges?

Existing process (for me):
1) Click on the bookmarked page
2) Click on 'Analytics'
3) Select 'Listing' via dropdown menu
4) Change 'Date Preset' to 'All Time'
5) Click 'Download'
New process:
1) Click on the bookmarked page
2) Click on 'Analytics new'
3) Click on 'Enrollments'
3) X out of the Auto Filter for 'Enrollment Date: Past Week'
4) Click 'Filter'
5) Click 'Listings' and type in keywords
6) Select listing
7) Select 'Apply'
😎 Select 'Export CSV' (which sends the file to you via email)
9) Wait for email and then download file from link
Issues and concerns:
1) This new method takes way too long - this is inefficient, wastes time, and is more challenging than it needs to be. The functions you need are buried.
2) We lose the graph in the new analytics page, it's a valuable tool and not something we could just easily or quickly generate ourselves
3) Do not like the use of the auto filter (and having to deselect it everywhere)
4) If you wanted to pull up registrations for a specific event and use the Enrollments search bar, you would have to put in the EXACT listing name to get the results you need. You can't search the Canvas Course ID, you can't type keywords in. Even then (with the exact name), you may still get a blend of listings, especially if there's a 'live' and an 'on demand' version, such as with Fostering Family Engagement. Thus the search bar is useless.
5) If you click on any listing name, it takes you to the page to edit that listing. Also not helpful. In the original analytics page, it loads showing the latest registrants of all our listings, but if you click on the listing name the registrants signed up for, it automatically loads the enrollment info at the top.
6) Because the search bar isn't useful, you're basically forced to go through the 'Filter' option, which, as mentioned above, is a bit buried.
7) All search options are a bit too limiting (main search bars and those within Filter). If you're trying to find a Quarterly Meeting for the West and type 'STOP West' or 'Spring Quarterly', you won't get any results. If you type 'West', there are results but it's now a long list. If you type 'Spring 2023' you get results because that's the beginning of the actual title for the listings, but you'd have to already know that that's the start of the actual title.
Finally, I timed myself - how long it takes from when I opened the initial page to when the file was downloaded on my computer.
The current way takes 12 seconds.
The new way took 1 minute and 56 seconds (a lot of that time was just waiting for it to hit my mailbox. However, I also searched for an easy-to-find listing as well, so this doesn't reflect the time it would take to find a listing I'm not familiar with).
Frankly, a lot of the changes, including the new setup, pushes functionality that we don't need. Our primary use of Analytics is to quickly access and/or download registrants and the enrollment numbers for eblasts, reports to BJA (etc), and decision-making (such as pivoting/re-scheduling due to low numbers). 
Thanks for your insights!