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Sub catalog admin training

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Good morning!

Whenever we get a request to add someone as a new subcatalog admin, we require that they first complete a training course which I manually add them to.  This course has been in place since before I started in this position (since August of 2019), so I don't know where it came from, but I was hoping to find an updated version since so much has changed.  Does anyone happen to know if an updated version of this course exists anywhere?  I wasn't able to find anything in Commons and so far support hasn't been able to tell me anything.  I don't think the name was changed when we imported it, so hopefully that's helpful, I don't have much other information about it.  

Course name: Catalog + Canvas Admin Training
Course code: cat_can_admin_training

I'm also attaching screenshots of the course card image and modules page.  Any information about this course and an updated version of it would be greatly appreciated.

-David Rios
Canvas Administrator
Oregon State University

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @riosd UMD created this from scratch. If you would email we can help with this.

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