Accessing the Canvas API using a developer key

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I would like to use the Microsoft Power Platform to connect to Canvas LMS.  Specifically, I want to download Course Syllabi and save them in Sharepoint.  I have some limited experience with Power Platform's REST API's.  I created an API Developer Key in Canvas.  It's not clear to me what specific requests I need to make in order to get an access token.  I found some documentation on Canvas OAuth2 and Canvas developer keys but nothing that specifically tells me what I need to send to get the token.


2 Solutions

Hi @EdwardPriest,

So two things...

1 - The API endpoint you referenced is to list the courses in the public index (this is courses that have the "Include this course in the public course index" option enabled in the course settings).  I don't think this is the endpoint you actually mean to use.  If you want to geta. list of all courses, instead try the list active courses in an account endpoint, which I think is going to get you the results you expected.

2 - You did confirm you're an administrator, but I'm not sure if you're a full root admin, or if you have more limited access (either by being a subaccount admin, or a root account admin with a lower than full admin role).  API calls always obey your permissions, so if you're not a full root admin, there may be some calls you cannot access, or some calls where the data returned will only be what you have access to, and may not be a full dataset for your entire school/institution.

Hope this helps!


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That sounds like you aren't handling pagination.  The default number returned is 10 and you have to use pagination to get the next page of results.  You can also add a query parameter to change the default per_page from 10 to 100.

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