[API] Make location field in Calendar support HTML


we want to add a link to all places that we import to the calendar to give student a map location for the place field in the calendar object. It is not very easy when the field does not support HTML..


(We're importing thousands of calendar events..)

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi  @lars_vemund_sol . This is a bit technical, so perhaps you can help me understand the idea fully. I believe you are attempting to create calendar events using the API. I was looking at the Calendar Events - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation. I can see that the "location_address" parameter currently accepts a value of type "string." Is this what you are requesting be modified to allow something that currently isn't allowed? Can you help me understand what type of HTML you would include and how that would work for the user when they viewed the calendar event? Thanks for taking the time to create this idea. I want to make sure we process it appropriately!

Community Contributor

Thanks for the follow-up.

You're describing it well. But to be clear we would not like to just give the student a room number (Example: BK-133) that does not give much information. We would rather give him/her a room number with a link: BK-133 

This is much more useful to the students.

Community Contributor

To add to the reply from  @lars_vemund_sol 

It would be beneficial to have the string of the location field in events to be interpreted as HTML to make it possible to, for instance create HTML links.

Current functionality is that it's just interpreted as text.

When you try to add html, in this case a link it is displayed as text.

event creation location field

Display of the created event

event display location field 

Note that the calendar field is an actual HTML link

event display location field

Desired functionality is to have the location field interpreting HTML

event display location field feature request

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