[Accessibility] Default Field Selection on pop-up windows

Problem statement:

When new 'pop' up windows are displayed the 'X' for close is the default action when you press enter, thereby closing the page instead of adding the desired record or action. Example: course --> People --> + People --> fill in a screen --> Select 'Next' button to take an action there is a popup window confirming 'Add People' and the default selection when you press enter is 'X' it should be 'Add users' like all normal windows programs. A confirmation window is great, but since the user has already selected 'next' to perform an action the next default should be a continue function not a block the addition AND lose all of your previously entered data.

Proposed solution:

Change the screen 'tab' order default to start at 'Add Users' not the 'X' to close the window.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open