[Accessibility] Rich Content Editor Auto captioning of media recorder within a course

Problem statement:

Media recordings within Canvas don't allow for auto-captioning and are difficult to accomplish at best. I understand purchasing Canvas Studio can resolve some of the issues, but the biggest problem is as an institution we are wanting instructors to give video feedback within the speedgrader. Also required by law to be ADA compliant and auto-captioning a norm for online video creation now these recordings should have the ability to be auto-captioned.

Proposed solution:

It is required by law for colleges to be ADA compliant and when instructors and/or students use the included media recorder in either an assignment or speedgrader there should be the ability for them to be auto captioned natively without any additional steps and include a CC button on the video if someone needs to use it.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open