[Account Settings] Make Default END Times Consistent When Setting up Terms and Grading Periods

Problem statement:

Each summer as I build the TERMS and GRADING PERIODS for the upcoming school year, I inevitably get caught by making a mistake on the END times for these groups because the default setting is different for each. The default end time for Terms is 12am. While the default end time for Grading Periods is 11:59pm.

Proposed solution:

Is it possible to make these consistent for those of us who are responsible for building these pieces each year? When I inadvertently make a mistake with the end time for either of these, it affects all users when a term or grading period comes to and end. This little difference makes a big difference for if the closing date is at the very end of one day or the very beginning of the next. Thank you for your consideration of this minor update.

User role(s):
