[Account Settings] "Don't let teachers rename their courses" should apply to course name only, not course code

Problem statement:

There is checkbox in Account Settings for "Don't let teachers rename their courses." If this box is *unchecked,* then teachers are able to change the name of their course and also the "course code." I would like for these two permissions to be separate. Because I would like teachers to be able to change the name of their course but not the course code. Note: what appears as "Course Code" in our UI comes in as "short_name" from our SIS. What appears as "name" in our UI comes in as "long_name." I don't know if this is a standard or common setup. However, what I think all admins would agree with is the need for more granularity in what teachers should and should not be allowed to change about their courses.

Proposed solution:

Every field in Course Settings should be able to be "locked" or "unlocked" separately by admins.

User role(s):


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: New
Thanks for your submission! Based on what's being asked here, I've identified a theme that I think this would fit well with. It's called Make account configuration more flexible through new account settings. I've associated this idea to the theme.
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Participant

Thank you @jpoulos . It's good to get confirmation that these are being noticed!

Community Participant

I'd like to reiterate my support for this idea. We have integrated tools that get information passed from Canvas. It really messes things up if teachers have changed their course code. But yet I don't want to lock down the permission to change names, because the "official" course name coming out our SIS is often very confusing

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
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Status changed to: Open