[Accounts] Allow People Search by Display Name or at least Show Display Name

Currently the People search in the Accounts allows searching by a user's name, but not by their display name. This can make it tedious to find a user when you are provided with their display name since the search isn't based on the display name and the display name doesn't show in the search results. Considering users may make their display name different than their name for various reasons, it would be preferred to be able to find users based on their display name and see that information in the search results.
At a minimum, update the People search results to include the user's display name as part of the information shown, perhaps under the sortable name. It would be ideal if the API could be updated to search the user's display name too so the results in the People search would include users based on their display name too. Considering the name and display name could be unique, this would be helpful when trying to find users based on the preferred name they have set in their display name.