Add "Groups" filtering feature to Assignments/Grading

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Our instructional model for larger classes is to have a Lead Instructor (in charge of content and management) and TAs who are in charge of grading (this is a writing class). TAs each get a group of students for whom they are responsible, but there is no feature that allows TAs to filter Assignments by their section group (b/w 15-30 students per section group). Currently, we have to manually create section groups, then manually add TAs AND students to section groups so that TAs only see the students to whom they are responsible. Elsewhere in Canvas, it seems like "groups" is an easy function to filter by. I would love to see Grading have a Group Filter added to it. This would make dealing with the work of managing a couple hundred students and a dozen TAs much easier!

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2019-06-22)

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