[Admin Tools] Add Course Create and Modified Dates in Provisioning Report

Would be helpful to have these dates in the Provisioning Report. I can go to Canvas Data for this info, but that's 24 to 48 hours old. Adding these fields to a live, on-demand, report seems trivial and would go a long way to helping our sub-account admins (that don't have access to Canvas Data, etc.).

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Date fields in general would be useful additions to provisioning reports.

We don't subscribe to Canvas Data Services, so currently I run provisioning reports weekly and save the csv files so I can refer back to them later, because being able to select the Term for a report is not granular enough.

Examples of dates that I would find immediately useful if added would be:

1. User report - date user's account was created, suspended, etc
2. Enrolment report - date of enrolment and date of last activity
3, Courses report - date course created (and also date last published).

Because of the above, I currently need to go into individual courses themselves to try to work out when they were last used. But this is also difficult because the year is not listed in the People screen (mousing over the last activity date for a user in this screen currently doesn't display the year, although for others it apparently does) and so I try checking Announcements, Discussion posts, dates of files in the Files screen, etc.


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