[Admin Tools] Search on Subaccount Page

Problem statement:

For institutions that have very large subaccount structures, it would be useful for a admin to search for the subaccount and access a subaccount, instead of having to navigate the subaccount tree or memorize the subaccount ID number. Currently, in order for an account to show up in the Admin panel to choose from, you have to be an admin of that account. For root level admins, we don't need to add ourselves to every single subaccount, since we automatically have access to all subaccounts under the root account. It would make sense for us to be able to search the Subaccount page.

Proposed solution:

Create a search box that allows a root admin to search for a subaccount in their subaccount structure. Allow for partial matches -- for example, if I type in "High School" it should pull up all subaccounts that have the words "high school" in them. This is similar to the search that was enabled for the Terms page.

User role(s):
