Allow Creating New Quizzes From Modules

Please allow New Quizzes to be Created directly from a Module. Regardless of the default type of quiz, if a New quiz is created through the Module, it always goes back to Classic Quizzes. To double check that I was correct, I did the following experiment. 

I went to the "Quiz" Index page by clicking on the blue link in the course navigation. As expected, the quizzes that have already been created, pop up. Once I was there, I clicked on the skinny snowman next to the "+Quiz" and selected "Rest Quiz Engine" Choice.

"Reset Quizzes.png

Still in "Quizzes", I started constructing a new quiz with the "+ Quiz" button. It now gives a choice of what type of "Quiz Engine" I prefer. I chose "New Quizzes" and then I checked the box that said "Remember my choice for this course."

Choose Quiz Engine.png

Now when I make a new quiz with the "+Quiz" button it remembers that I want a new quiz and it gives me a start of a new quiz as it should-- in the new quiz format Woo hoo! However, if I go to create a "Quiz" directly from a Module by clicking on the + sign in the desired Module, then choose "Quiz" in the dropdown box, and add it this way; I get a quiz in the "Classic Quiz" format. What gives? I was on hold with support for 45 minutes before me rep said that people have to create quizzes directly from quizzes in order to get the New Quiz option. That is honestly a bit nutty. He also said it is probably just a "quirky transition thing" and will probably be changed, but he had no further information.  Please fix this asap.

New Quiz Problem.png

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2021-03-20)

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed