[Announcements] Start and End Dates

This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta •  How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-07-03) 

I would like to be able to put an end date on my announcements at the time I create the announcement.  Then, for example, the announcement I make about textbooks at the start of the semester could be hidden within two weeks.  I do not want to have to remember to go back and hide the announcements.

Community Participant

I believe that teachers should be able to have end dates on Annoucements as we do in Global Announcements as an Admin

Community Member

I am also very much in favor of this idea, for many of the reasons above! My primary concern is that there is no record or evidence of announcements made once they are deleted. As educators we are told to document any and all communication with students and parents, and as the current system does not provide for that documentation of previous announcements, we are left unprotected if a student or parent claims they were not notified of something that was put out in an announcement. 

A second benefit to the end date on announcements would be that they can be set to unpublish on a schedule, removing an announcement that, if left undeleted, could cause confusion after the subject of the announcement has passed. As a teacher who currently has 9 different courses going, I often forget to remove the announcements from some of my courses on time. 

Thank you.

Community Member

Please implement this feature!

Community Member

I continue to post to this community discussion in hopes that Canvas will finally respond in some way. It continues to be very frustrating that for whatever reason Canvas chooses to ignore what seems to be a very simple request. Even an explanation of why this functionality is not possible would even be welcome.

Community Member

Allow feature in Canvas to be able to auto delete announcements. For example, we would like to put an announcement in our courses and have it delete itself after a certain date or time period.

Community Member

In Blackboard, I was able to check specific publication dates for announcements. For example. I could publish an announcement from January 1, 2020 through January 7, 2020 in Blackboard, and that announcement would only be released to students for the period indicated.

In Canvas, the only way I can control publication to students is to "delay" posting for a future date, and the announcement is available to students from the selected future date until the class ends.  Can you please look into copying the Blackboard feature for Canvas announcements where faculty has more control over the period announcements are released? It would be very helpful. 

Community Novice

I would like announcement end dates, too.  I used it often in D2L Brightspace and miss it!

Community Member

Please add the ability to control the dates when announcements can be hidden.  As an example, an exam is scheduled for a given day so an announcement is created and a deploy date is added to the announcement.  There is no reason for that announcement to remain after the deadline for the exam has past.  However, I don't want to physically have to delete the message, especially on an asynchronous class.  In addition, announcements can be used term to term or semester to semester so there is no reason to have to rewrite the same announcement.  Utilizing dates to control announcements is an important tool.  Also, the ability to drag and drop announcements to change their order is also important and should be added.

Community Explorer

This feature/ suggestion significantly helps instructors while they attempt to implement the Regular Substantive Interaction U.S. federal standards into their online courses. Canvas could use this as an opportunity to show it's customers that they are supported while integrating U.S. federal requirements. 

Of course, these standards are also seen as good practice for other modalities. 

Would love to see this implemented! 


Community Member

It would be good to be able to have announcements show for a set period of time then delete. Like the delay posting set up but for the announcement to end.