[Assignments] Allow Multiple Submission Types on the Same Assignment

Originally submitted by Sara Wolf


Currently, instructors can choose to allow a variety of formats for assignment submission. However, when the student submits, only one type can be used, unless the student elects to resubmit the assignment. Even so, if the student resubmits the assignment, the student can no longer see his or her first submission. So, if they make a mistake, they aren't sure what need to be fixed, because they can't see what they originally submitted.


It would be helpful to have students be able to submit a file type (graphic, or URL, or word document, for example) and then be able to also use the text box feature, in the same submission, to "tell about" their assignment. Ideally, the instructor would be able to see both submission types in the SpeedGrader in a single submission, and similarly, students would be able to see both submission types in their assignment submission interface. For instance, if students have to create an image of a floor plan for a future classroom, and then provide an "annotation" of that floor plan that describes how it illustrates their teaching philosophy, having the image be visible to the teacher at the same time as the annotation would be ideal. Another example would be an assignment that requires a link to a video url and accompanying text. If the students could submit the URL to the video and fill in a text box at the same time, they would be able to take advantage of the rich content functionality in the text box submission type (that is not available to them in the assignment comments area), and teachers would be able to evaluate the link to the video and the accompanying text simultaneously in the SpeedGrader.

Community Novice

Per assignment submission options currently available, can (an) additional category be added to account for other kinds of graded submissions? Here are some examples:

I have students create a profile of themselves in the Profiles area, or I link them out to an exercise they need to complete on another website, or I want them to send me an email. But I want those items to be a graded assignments. Currently, there's no way to mark them as such because the only assignment type options are No Submission, Online, On paper, External Tool. The problem is that if I select No Submission for the examples I just mentioned - which I would do because the other 3 assignment types don't match the tasks I've asked them to complete - students get confused. They look at one of those given assignments in the module list view or even within the assignment itself and see that it's designated as "No Submission" and think nothing has to be submitted.

Can you add "Other type" or similar as an additional assignment type option?

Community Participant

I see that we are currently able to one PPT, one Doc, etc..  However, I want to be able to have a choice as to how many that a student can upload of any one TYPE of file.  For example, selecting 3 MSWord Files or 2 Google Docs and/or 4 URL addresses in addition to having multiple submission TYPES.  I often do projects in class that require multiple pieces of documentation.  For example, a Lab Report, Informed Consent and Works Cited might be required for a project under one assignment. They are created under the same rubric for grading so, having separate assignments does not make sense.  Is this option part of the discussion here or is what I am asking part of a different "Feature Idea"?

Community Novice

This is an idea that would be greatly appreciated among Scandinavian users as well.

Community Participant

This is a request that has come up a few times in our school district.  I know our teachers would like to see this feature developed. 

Community Novice

This is exactly what I was hoping to suggest, but I saw that it's already been suggested. How can we find out the progress of this idea? Should we create a new entry for voting?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

It's already received promising commentary from the product team--"it's not off our radar"--so it shouldn't be necessary to resubmit it for a new round of voting. Perhaps our comments will prompt an update.

Community Novice

While that is true, it's been nearly a year since the idea was posted, hence my curiosity regarding an update. That's truly all I'm interested in at this point.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello Canvas Family,

This is not off our radar, but we will not be delivering this feature in the near term.  Our team is currently focusing on the Modern Quizzing Engine​​. We will look to bring updates to assignments in the future.  This feature is not lost and we are working hard to build exciting tools for everyone.


Community Novice

Thanks Jason. I had heard that from my account manager so we shall wait patiently : )

Community Novice

Hello Pål Hægland,


I’ve read your Feb 25, 2016 (1:05 PM) posting with great interest in the Instructure “Find Answers” forum that was entitled” Files and URLs in the same assignment”  and also Kona Jones’ very prompt response to you on the same day (1:13 PM) to encourage you to join up with the Feature Request that was already underway for voting by the community within the Feature Request Forum that lead me to this current threaded discussion.  I am glad to see that you posted your question because I had a similar related question from an instructor at our institution. Your communication with Kona Jones’ saved me time from re-posting my question into the “Find Answers” forum to wait for further community responses.  Thanks both!

I am also forwarding an inquiry to submit to Instructure-Canvas for further investigation as part of the feature request that is being discussed here within this forum.  Here is a brief synopsis of some questions that emerged when one of our LMS-support tech had previously consulted with our client-instructor at our institution:

The original client-instructor inquiry:

"I have students submitting both a file and an URL.  When they click on "review my submission" it just shows the URL, not the file.  If there is no URL submitted the file shows.   This is causing mass e-mail of students who think their files are not submitting. Please advise."

Our support person’s first pass on testing and validating the client’s request:

"I tested it using a demo account  just now, it appears that you can only submit one of the 3 types of content per submission. You can make more than one submission of course, but Canvas will only show you the last submission if you go under Submission Details. Did this use to work differently?"

Our client-instructor response to the first pass request for more info:

"The students can submit multiple files, that part works. It just gives misleading information that they only have 1 file submitted (when in fact they have 2 or 3). The submission summary is different from what they have actually submitted. This cannot be what is intended. It called "submission summary" when it fact it is last file submitted (which doesn’t really make sense). I assume it used to work but don't really know as I have never gotten bunches of e-mails about it before.  Is there anywhere that I can direct students to where they can see what they have submitted for an assignment?"

Our support person’s second pass on testing and validating the client’s extended request:

"I tested the Submission Details feature on the cloud version of Canvas, and it behaves exactly the same as our own version so I don't think that it is a new bug. Having said that I do see the benefit of having a way for students to review all their submissions for an assignment, I can have a feature request written up for instructure if this is important to you."

It is very timely to have this open opportunity to pose our client-instructor’s inquiry with additional details to this Feature Request forum to further encourage the Canvas developers to keep us posted about the status of the voting and current development for this feature that we are all interested in. Thanks Y’all...

This is an idea that would be greatly appreciated among your Canadian users as well.  /gL