[Assignments] Allow Multiple Submission Types on the Same Assignment

Originally submitted by Sara Wolf


Currently, instructors can choose to allow a variety of formats for assignment submission. However, when the student submits, only one type can be used, unless the student elects to resubmit the assignment. Even so, if the student resubmits the assignment, the student can no longer see his or her first submission. So, if they make a mistake, they aren't sure what need to be fixed, because they can't see what they originally submitted.


It would be helpful to have students be able to submit a file type (graphic, or URL, or word document, for example) and then be able to also use the text box feature, in the same submission, to "tell about" their assignment. Ideally, the instructor would be able to see both submission types in the SpeedGrader in a single submission, and similarly, students would be able to see both submission types in their assignment submission interface. For instance, if students have to create an image of a floor plan for a future classroom, and then provide an "annotation" of that floor plan that describes how it illustrates their teaching philosophy, having the image be visible to the teacher at the same time as the annotation would be ideal. Another example would be an assignment that requires a link to a video url and accompanying text. If the students could submit the URL to the video and fill in a text box at the same time, they would be able to take advantage of the rich content functionality in the text box submission type (that is not available to them in the assignment comments area), and teachers would be able to evaluate the link to the video and the accompanying text simultaneously in the SpeedGrader.

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Community Novice

Exactly. My ESL students have trouble with technology. They get really upset when their assignment says missing. 

Community Novice

I need my students to be able to submit text documents and video files separately.  Not only that, my students need to be able to see ALL their submissions to know they have provided the correct documents and to see my feedback on their work.  Please address this issue!


Hi Janice,

Based on requests, I'd suggest you review the proposed Student Assignment Enhancements Resources. This proposed functionality allows for:




Hi Mindi,

I'd suggest having a look at the proposed functionality:  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-18542-937641194971 

Cheers Adam

Community Novice

Thanks. This doesn't really answer my request since 'no submission' is not an option. Many of my students submit via email and those assignments show as missing in the grade book after I grade them.

Mindi Maline

American Culture and Language Institute

Northern Virginia Community College

Community Champion

 @mmaline ,

If I understand what you're saying: Students submit files to you via email, you grade them in Canvas, and they still show up as missing despite having a grade, you would like the "missing" to not be there.

They technically don't have a submission that Canvas knows about, so I get why it's saying the assignment is missing. I also understand that seeing "missing" is disconcerting to students who know they submitted it and they can see they have a grade for it.

The label of missing can be removed by going into the gradebook and changing the status for those students to 'none'.  None doesn't mean there's no submission, none means there's no status message. This lesson from the Canvas Instructor Guide explains how to change the missing label for an individual student: How do I change the status of a submission in the Gradebook? 

Unfortunately, this process needs to be done one student at a time with the native Canvas interface. I did write a script in January 2019 that would turn it off for an entire assignment: Removing Missing and Late Labels. That script was designed to be ad hoc and doesn't have a fancy interface for it to make it easy to run.

Community Member

@adamwarecx  Hi Adam,

I saw where you linked the proposed Student Assignment Enhancement Resources, but I can't view the link.  I'm wondering if you know when the proposal may go into effect, because I would also like my students to be able to turn in 2 different types of submissions - ideally a media and file submission. Thanks!   

Community Member

We would love this! It would allow us to use an external tool for auto-grading as well as a PDF upload so they can submit their work separately. 


Ideally, we'd be able to assign a separate grade to each submission type. So, for example, the auto-grader counts for 25% of the assignment and the written work counts for the remainder.

Community Member

Allow more than one type of submission for a single assignment so that those teachers who teach in person and online classes in the same section can use Speedgrader for online submissions and manually input a grade for the papers turned in while in class. When a score is manually added, the assignment then is removed from the student's To Do list.