[Assignments] Assign to by Group for Individual Assignment
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05:41 AM
This idea was submitted previously and archived (see below). I would also request the same thing. For individual assignments, I would like to be able to "Assign to" by Group. I often divide the class into groups with varying discussion assignments or assignment due dates, yet these are individual assignments. I teach large classes, so it is too much work to type in individual names repeatedly.
Assign to" Student Groups for Individual Assessment
Created on Oct 14, 2015 8:05 AM by Crystal Trotter
I want to be able to create Groups based on their modification or need and assign it to that group.Currently we have teachers who have to type in a LOT of student names when it's a modified assignment. Being able to pre-create groups with those students in them and assign or exclude that group would save a lot of time.
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Enable Differentiated Learning at Scale Theme Status: In Development