[Assignments] Download Assignment Comments and Completed Rubrics

It would be nice to have an option to download everything related to a completed, graded assignment in one PDF: the annotated PDF of the submission, the "assignment comments" discussion, and the completed rubric with values.


Currently, within crocodo, we can "Download annotated PDF (includes comments)" and that's really helpful, but we have no way of downloading a record of the Assignment Comments and we have no way to download the rubric. (We've resorted to taking individual screen shots.)


This is important for accreditation - we need an archive of everything related to an assignment. Students need this for their e-portfolios, too.


This is related to a request in the old pre-2015 Zendesk request:

https://help.instructure.com/entries/22865834-Download-Speedgrader-Comments-with-Assignments which requested just that Assignment Comments be included. I would like to add Rubrics, too.


This idea was considered when developing our product plan for Q4 2019 and is not expected to influence development within Canvas at this time.

:smileyinfo: This idea will remain open for vote.

:smileyinfo: If this idea is in the top 10% by vote next cycle it will be reconsidered.


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Community Member

It would be useful to be able to download a scored rubric for an individual assignment. At my university, they ask us to include examples of grading in out teaching portfolios, and I would like to include my rubrics with scores and comments in them as well as the written feedback I provide in the 'comments' section (which is downloadable). If I could also download a PDF of the scored rubric, I could include the student's assignment, the scored rubric, and my written comments (and merge into one pdf) for my grading samples. As is, the only option is to screenshoot the scored rubric.


Community Member

Title says it all. 
Rubrics - Downloadable Criteria and Ratings. Outcomes system is overly complex.

Community Novice

It would be great to have the option to download assignments with feedback (lecturer's comments). 

Community Participant

The ability to download and analyze students' scores on rubrics by course learning outcomes and program learning outcomes aside from the Canvas Outcomes are necessary at any institution. The original idea of just downloading a pdf of the completed rubric is only a small portion of the issue. We need to be able to present and consume data from these rubrics on a granular level to the faculty members and additional stakeholders within the course to constantly improve our faculty and student experience in the LMS. Similar to what is already available when faculty use the Quiz tool to build quizzes, we need rubric statistics and analysis tools, and criteria breakdown abilities too.

Community Novice

For assessment and evaluation, the ability to download graded rubrics with comments. These analytic rubics should have the ability to be pulledvout by criteria and achievement levels This way various programs can download final products and the rubric to gather longitudinal data. The ability to download graded rubrics will assist those going through SACS accreditation along with other accreditation bodies. The ability to batch download per assignment or download individual students should be available. 

Community Member

This is essential. Many of our students need this accommodation legally, as per 504 and IEP Plans (need it printed or in an OCR-readable document on Google, or both). It is also essential for day-to-day instructions. I cannot use Canvas rubrics without the ability to download and print them. For this reason, I am currently advocating against our district continuing to use Canvas. With this change, and one in the calendar, I would change that recommendation -- there is much potential in Canvas, but without rubrics and a calendar that are usable in a high school format, it's not terribly useful for high school classrooms. Thank-you!

Community Member

Canvas add this feature!  We need to be able to download rubric data to do analysis and track for accreditation!

Community Participant

While our institution has created a way to download embedded rubrics for students, the ability to download a completed rubric with faculty feedback would be incredible! This would help with student appeal issues and/or accreditation. 

Community Member

Please make it possible to download the completed rubrics along with the annotated assignments

Community Team
Community Team
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