[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Novice

Instructure support can resolve this as I discovered last week in a very similar circumstance.  Still, the "solution" was odd and the extra steps to contact them seemed unnecessary given the urgency.  And I can't imagine this is a rare occurrence.

Community Novice

I serve as an instructional technology specialists and this is the only LMS I know of that does not allow this feature - or at least the ability to move student's work. This is an issue that needs attention. We pay SO much for this product only to be frustrated. Canvas could easily fix this issue. 

Community Novice

One topic I teach is Matlab Programming.  Matlab is peculiar about its .m file names and doesn't take hyphens - or parentheses ().  If a student resubmits an assignment the file name is amended.  For me to run the file I have to first change the file name. It would help if I was able to delete a submission and allow a student to resubmit.

Community Participant

This is a request that comes up fairly often from instructors at the University of Oklahoma, so it would be nice to have this functionality in a course.

Community Novice

One suggestion I have in regards to this topic is, rather than having a full on delete option, having some form of archive option.  I feel as though the common concern if adding a delete option is that a student's work is inadvertently lost forever.  Archiving submissions such that, for all intents and purposes, it is deleted, but can be recovered if necessary feels like a good compromise.

Community Novice

I vote YES!!

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Community Member

At least allow the institution’s Canvas admins the ability to delete submissions when requested by instructors, rather than deleting the entire assignment. This would help until a better solution could be worked out.

Community Novice

Fantastic idea. Often, working with 11-year-olds, they don't look at the task clearly, or upload the wrong image or PDF. We use this for portfolios and in future for reporting, so we need the feature so we can remove the wrong submissions and clearly communicate feedback on the right tasks to students and parents.

Community Novice

It would be nice if the student submitted an assignment in the assignment that I can just move to the correct folder. 

Community Participant

This is a no brainer as are lots of Canvas suggestions. Not new features, but rather bug fixes. I can’t believe that it has been around since 2011 and not fixed. A lot of these bug fixes don’t seem like they’d require all that much work to implement. I don’t think bug fixes ought to require a certain percentage of vote.

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