[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@prettey Idea Conversations is where Canvas users can share their use cases and problem statements and engage with other users around a request. The forum uses a rating system, as described in How do idea conversations work in the Canvas Commu...  —so click on the star rating modal to show your support. Comments that incorporate examples are especially welcome. Thanks!

Community Participant

Thanks Stefanie,

I always feel if UI has to be explained for things that should be obvious on the page then design has failed.

Referring to the 'Vote' button vs the less obvious rate, which has a different meaning, I thought it meant what people thought of the idea, like a giving stars to review a product not actually to 'like' it.

I would say, "Rate this idea" next to the stars would be a good start, nothing indicated to me on the page this was anything to do with a vote.




Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@prettey We agree with you! Our team is currently working on an overhaul of the Idea Conversations UI that should make the rating system more self-evident.

Community Explorer

How is this still a thing so many years later? At least at the lower levels we need a delete option for multiple reasons: the students are gaming the system to trick their parents, they turn in incomplete assignments are just with their name and need to show as a missing assignment, they have made mistakes in uploading the docs, and probably more I can't think of. 

Please fix this. 

Community Member

i was just informed that if a student submits an assignment, it cannot be removed.  the student does not want to resubmit - rather to remove the submission altogether (it was optional).

please add this very obvious feature.

Community Member

this is a basic feature in an LMS and should be adopted asap.

Community Member

I too, as an admin (Teacher role), would like to ability to either delete a submission or mark it as void in some way. 

If a student incorrectly submits for Assessment A in the portal for Assessment B, when Assessment B comes around their allowed attempts are reduced (when attempts are restricted). 

It also impacts the SpeedGrader statistics, eg the average is pulled down if there is an incorrect submission that won't get marked. 

Fingers crossed for such a feature.

Community Member

I'm in favor of allowing students and instructors to delete a submission. But at least allow instructors to do that. I've set my assignments to be open only after the previous assignment has closed to avoid the problem of students submitting work to the wrong assignment. 

Community Member

It is extremely important for an instructor to have the ability to manually delete an incorrect assignment submission.

Community Explorer

Ok, I didn't copy the info internet Medici document not paste I have been watching video while I have completed questions through 5:30 am notetaking that I had burnout. Let canvas knows. If not reset submitted to fix before August 8. I am sorry for bothering it that I imagined bad thoughts. I had busy with final exam parts one and two I had sent an attachment is the reason I was bother confused final exam part one showed clearly I did revise improve than the last midterm but in Petrarch, The Father of Humanism. Footnote. I am seriously there anything wrong with Magna Carta I think so. I try to think positively. Great I have confirmed the page with a green check. Sorry, add things up I had bad thoughts cans suspected it.