[Attendance] Attendance to accept 0% score when 'Late' is marked

Problem statement:

When using the Attendance/Roll Call tool, an instructor wishes to keep an accurate attendance log using the four options (present, late, absent, excused). However, they consider a 'late' mark to be equivalent to an 'absent' mark, which would be a score of 0 for that class meeting. Right now, the instructor can not save the default 'late' mark as 0% as it will revert to the 80% score for the marking. Therefore, the instructor must mark the student 'absent' to keep the same score, but this isn't a true reflection of the student's attendance.

Proposed solution:

Allow for a 'late' mark to include any percentage including 0%. This would allow for the instructor to mark a student 'late', which will keep an accurate attendance log, as well as allow for the score to reflect what is stated in their syllabus or class attendance policy

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Added to Theme

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

I've added this to the Roll Call Attendance improvements theme.