[Attendance] Point Total Changes
The only way to adjust the point total for Roll Call is to edit the point value after the first session is taken, rescore the first session, and never change it again. To make the change at any other point makes the tool's scoring malfunction and is impossible to rescore without starting again. This is not clear within the tool itself, only in the grade book is it apparent that the student scores are completely incorrect. The use case that brings me here is a user trying to wrap up their grades for the semester has changed the point value of Roll Call from 100 to 75. Now their student scores are exceeding 100% and according to support, there is no remedy other than to delete Roll Call from the course site, wait for Canvas to regenerate Roll Call, and start over.
Ideally, Roll Call would allow for point value changes at any point in the semester and rescale all scores based on the total value. Instructors adjust their grade books throughout the semester for a variety of reasons and Roll Call is especially important to be able to edit easily because it contains so much data which would be difficult and time-consuming to re-enter, particularly late in the semester and for large class sizes. Minimally, if adjusting the point value will cause the points to be miscalculated, this field should not be editable at all. Leaving a field editable that is known to incorrectly score students in a manner that is not immediately obvious to the instructor is not responsible and leaves instructors open to unfair scrutiny.