Automatically Remove Missing Flag Once Grade is Entered

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For on paper or no submission assignments, if a grade is flagged as missing, but then later points are added to the gradebook, the missing flag remains.  The instructor then needs to manually remove the missing flag, even though points were assigned.  It would be great to have the missing flag automatically disappear once points were entered (signifying that it is no longer missing).  The option to have the missing automatically turn into late would be even better.

Community Member

I thought this was updated?  So why do my "missings" remain when I enter a score?

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For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2022-01-15) 

Community Novice

While I do love that the "missing" tag disappears when an actual grade is entered, I HATE that it disappears when a zero is entered. I kind of just want it to go back to the way that it was and I will just make adjustments so that paper assignments are not entered in late... I don't know. The "missing" tag disappearing on zeroes is really annoying- very rarely, if ever, does a student "earn" a zero. Parents are mad because they think their student "earned" a zero. Students are confused because they don't know if they turned it in or not. It just makes more work for me.

Community Member

After some thought, I think it would be nice to set parameters for what scores are counted "missing". In my course we have a grade scale from 0 to 4. I would like anything less than 1 to be counted as missing, but also for only specific assignments.

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@KristinL  do you know if the new "mi" shortcut in the Gradebook will also soon work to automatically remove the flag once a numeric grade is entered?  Right now, if an instructor enters "mi", the missing flag is added.  This is great!  If the student later submits work and earns a grade (this is the entire purpose of the missing flag - to inspire students to complete missing work), the instructor must manually remove the flag.  

(I am unable to make comments on the post about the shortcut, so I made it here.)

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Hi @breklis - That's a good question! I believe that the automatic tag and automatic removal of the tag when something is turned in is based on the late policy gradebook setting. Since the MI shortcut is added by hand, the gradebook setting doesn't know it can override it since there aren't pre-determined rules in the setting box for things that are manually flagged as Missing.

How do I use the Gradebook?