Community Participant
Coordinator of Instructional Technology & Innovation
May 25, 2017 10:43:52 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
For on paper or no submission assignments, if a grade is flagged as missing, but then later points are added to the gradebook, the missing flag r...
Please allow teachers to create custom grade codes in the gradebook. This goes beyond the missing/late/excused flags currently in the new gradebook roll-out. Teachers would like the ability to creat...
In the new gradebook, teachers can flag assignments as late or missing. However, this has to be done student by student. It would be much more efficient if teachers could fill multiple students'...
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Students used to be able to see their progression towards mastery in the Learning Mastery Gradebook. Now, they have to manually calculate their sc...
So sorry I was not clear when I used the phrase "manually per student". Idon't want an auto-update, but rather the ability to assign this tag tomultiple students at the same time (like th...
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One of the nice things about student "groups" is that they can either cross sections or not, depending on teacher preference. For the use case I outlined of using groups for differentiation, i...
@dkpst5 Thank you for clarifying how "assign to" works with groups!
For the purposes of differentiation, "assign to" does not work with groups. Instructors need a way to differenti...
Problem statement: Instructors can differentiate assignment due dates for individual students or course sections, but not instructor-created student groups. Many instructors need to differentiate assi...
@AllisonHowell Is there an update on this? I understand you did not have an exact date on this back in July, but it's been over a month. I'm so glad it's being looked into! We really n...
I agree 100% with this! I am very excited about the ability to differentiate and assign modules! I also have a lot of concerns about the manage due dates functionality in assignments for all the same ...
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