[Blueprint Courses] Templating New Pages, Assignments, and Discussions

Problem statement:

There is a feature that we turned on where whenever a course is created in a subaccount another course that we marked as "template" gets applied to it. That course then has the look and feel of our template. However, let's say that a teacher creates a brand new page. That page is created completely blank. Nothing on it.

Proposed solution:

I would love it if there is a way where when a teacher creates that brand new page/assignment/discussion the templated look and feel gets automatically applied to that page/assignment/discussion. We designed a customized template for our courses and would love to have that template automatically applied whenever a teacher creates a new page or assignment or discussion instead of having that new page, assignment, or discussion be completely blank.

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Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @reedbrian can you clarify if you're using Course Templates or Blueprints? 

Community Participant

@AllisonHowell  We currently use both. For the initial content push, we rely on the blueprinting process. After the blueprint sync, we turn on templating so that anything new that is created automatically gets our Rockwood-approved template. We do not push out any changes via the blueprint after the initial sync. Later in the year, we'll turn off templating so that we can blueprint a fresh batch of courses at Semester. Then we'll turn on templating again after that process. And we'll rinse and repeat for the summer school courses. 

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