[Calendar] Cross Out A Completed Event In Your Own Calendar

As a student, instructors can add assignments to the calendar so that we can see. Once we complete the assignment, the assignment title on the calendar can be crossed out. It would be helpful to have the ability to cross out calendar events that we create, so that we know we completed an assignment that the instructors didn't add themselves. We can delete our own events, but I will forget if I did the assignment or I forgot to add it to the calendar.

Community Novice

J'aimerais bien pouvoir choisir de faire apparaitre ou non une tâche dans le calendrier.


English translation: I would like to be able to choose whether or not to show a task in the calendar.

Community Novice

I would like the ability to show a task that is created on my calendar to be able to mark as completed.

Community Member

I am a very organized student and love when I can cross things off when I'm done. I love that Canvas has a calendar where you can view all due assignments.  

However, only assignments that have an active submission get crossed off when completed. I would love to see an option to permanently cross off other assignments that are assigned that don't need a submission through Canvas. 

Community Novice

Yeah, I completely agree, it is helpful to be able to cross off completed items that don't get automatically crossed off in the calendar. The only place to cross it off is in the dashboard but visually it's better to see it on the calendar. Canvas should definitely make this a feature.

Community Novice

I like how there is a line crossed through assignments when they are completed.  I would appreciate being able to see that same line through the assignments that I have added to the calendar myself.  Maybe a "DONE" checkbox on "Edit" that would show that assignment as being complete?

Community Member

I am a student who would appreciate being able to see my Events and My To-Dos crossed off in the Calendar view. Currently this only happens with assignments made by an instructor. Anything added by a student stays there, even when I can hide it from the Dashboard view, making it look like the work still needs to be done. The only other option is to delete the Event or To-Do and I'd rather not have to do that so I can reference assignments that I've already finished.

It would be great if something like this can be implemented to help me, and I'm sure others, to stay on task.

Community Novice

Please add the ability to cross out tasks you've added to the calendar yourself... and for assignments the instructor assigned, but don't get automatically crossed out. (I.e. turned in in-person, optional assignments, etc.)

Community Novice

I would like to add that some assignments on the calendar made by teachers do not require a submission so they do not get crossed off once you complete them. Sometimes I will have a lot of assignments due on the same day, many of which do not require submission and I have to check over and over to make sure I have done them, often getting confused. It would be extremely helpful if we could cross out the assignments that do not require submission.

Community Member

CANVAS! Please do this feature! It would literally help so many students. Plus it is such a basic function that I am surprised it is not already on there. 

Community Member

I'm sad to see that after this issue being raised over two years ago, that this seemingly simple feature has yet to be implemented. If the canvas calendar already has the ability to automatically mark items as completed, there should be a way to sync this to our personal calendars using the calendar feed link.


@VH2020please add this?