[Calendar] Multi Day Events

It is a very normal function of calendaring to be able to add events that span multiple days. Please add the ability to have mulit day events in canvas. Instead of just having a start and end time give the ability to also define an end date.


86032_Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 11.34.57 AM.pngScreen Shot 2015-08-08 at 11.34.57 AM.png

Added to Theme

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Currently, in order to add a multiday event, one has to choose the number of times (days, weeks, etc.) the event will last instead of having simple "From" and "To" fields.

Proposed solution:

Add "From" and "To" fields for events that repeat over several days/weeks/months. The current system is far too complicated: one has to actually count the days/weeks.

User role(s):
