Catalog: Having an enrollment date selector for a Catalog listing
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas |
Currently, you can only open or close enrollments manually for a Catalog listing.
We would like to suggest having enrollment open and close date selectors for a Catalog listing for instances in which a course does not have a set time to complete, but should close for enrollment prior to the course end date that was set on the Canvas course settings page. It would be very helpful to have the ability to pre-set the dates and times for enrollment to open/close on the Catalog side instead of just the toggle open and close.
Using section dates to control enrollment does not accomplish this as when the section date passes the currently enrolled, students will see the course move to “Not Completed” in Catalog.
Here is how we would envision the date selector when editing a Catalog listing:
Use case:
A course is open from March 1st to March 31st. The course can be completed in your own pace, but has too much content for students to finish the course in less than a week. As a result, anyone enrolling in the last week of March would have a poor experience in the course. Ideally the course should be open March 1st to March 31st, but enrollment stops on March 24th. This can currently only be accomplished by manually toggling enrollment closed in Catalog on March 24th, but would be much more scalable if enrollment dates can be set in advance using date selectors.
Second use case:
A course contains an asynchronous and synchronous component. All students participating in the course must complete asynchronous course components two-weeks before attending the live session on April 1st. The course should be open to students March 1st - April 1st but enrollment should be limited to March 1st - March 18th.