[Course Import/Export] See Detailed List of Course Imports for All Content and Selected Migration Content
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11:06 AM

When importing course content, it would be great to see the detailed list of:
- What items were imported if the user used the option "Select Migration Content"
- Who Initiated the import
- Whether it was the entire course or parts of a course (Select Migration Content)
- Display if the item is a duplicate when imported into the course
- Create a way to un-import what was imported (just in case users mess up)
- It would also be nice to add a warning screen if the item is a duplicate
- Teacher/Admin notification when import has completed/failed
Since on some courses there are multiple imports it is difficult to determine what items were imported into the course. This would be nice for users to see who is importing content in their course, and what items were imported as well. It would be great to see if individual items were imported successfully. This would assist Admins, Teachers, Course Designers and anyone with access to the course settings.