[Course Import/Export] Set all to unpublished when Importing


When I import content from another course, I would like all assignments and other content to be unpublished by default. Currently, when I copy course content, I need to click through all of the content to unpublish them if they were published in the old course.



Added to Theme

Simplify bulk course tasks Theme Status: Identified

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey Kona, we would definitely implement this feature as an option rather than the default setting.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Awesome! Thanks!

Community Team
Community Team

Wow, Cosme is correct, this is an interesting and valuable idea.  Our product manager re-evaluated the scope and allocations for this project and it appears we will not be able to squeeze it in like we thought we could.  We will not be able to fit it in for another 6-18 months at the very least.  I will archive this idea, but please continue to comment and share your use cases for when/if this is picked up again.

Community Participant

Our high school teachers import a lot of content in to each course and remove due dates.

Adjust events and due dates never works for us and most do not want to release a whole course day 1 to students.

It is very frustrating for teachers to have to go in to each course and one by one unpublish each assignment, page, etc.

Community Member

This is a big issue that really needs to be addressed.  It is very tedious to have to unpublish individual assignments. 

Community Contributor

A very similar feature request is currently active: ​, if people want to include their feedback (and votes) there.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Participant

dianelee​, absolutely. I "machine gunned" my students' email and Canvas app with about 30 notifications.

Community Explorer

As the manager of our Canvas instance, this would be ideal!  This would allow us to do the behind-the-scenes tweaking we need to do between semesters!

Community Novice

Just piling on here.  I just imported about 50 items and then spent 10 minutes unpublishing and deleting things.   Also a machine gun of notifications (as someone else put it) went out.   Import to unpublished seems like the more common use case.  Glad to have the option and i suggest the default be unpublished on import, and that this be flagged to the person doing the importing as one stage of the click-through.