[Courses] New UI: Add option to group courses in all course list by term

Issue: Right now when an instructor views the all courses list there is very few organizational option making it difficult for them to find the course that they need.


Current workaround: Brute force searching though a long list of courses


Purposed solution: Add a user option to group courses by term. If this option is selected courses will be grouped into terms in a manner similar to the modulus page (example bellow). These groups would also be collapsible like the modules.



Why: By allowing more sorting options in the all course list, it will be easier for instructors to find the courses they need, this in turn will make the canvas site easier to navigate.

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The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Contributor

Hi Renee. I've seen you post this comment before in similar idea threads. The problem then becomes how do we sort "past enrollments" I've been using Canvas for years. There are times I need to find not only a past assignment, but a past example of student work. I can find out when the student took the class but it takes forever to scroll through my past classes under "past enrollments" because they are NOT sorted by term or date even though there is a header for this category. Just make the header clickable and sortable. 

Community Contributor

Please do this. This becomes a bigger issue every year. Just make the header item "Term" a clickable/sortable item. Just a simple ascending descending order sort, the type you would have in a basic spreadsheet would be a huge improvement. 

There are times I need to find not only a past assignment, but a past example of student work. I can find out when the student took the class but it takes forever to scroll through my past classes under "past enrollments" because they are NOT sorted by term or date even though there is a header for this category. Just make the header clickable and sortable. Please. 

An image of something being ordered by ascending or descending amounts.

 @clonghb ‌ kohara‌  @tyarnton ‌ 

Community Champion

David Theriault approached me at InstructureCon and I wrote a user script that adds sorting and filtering capability to the all courses page.

Sorting the All Courses list 

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