[Discussions] Deleted post - feature request is that only faculty should see contents, no one else

Problem statement:

In the new discussion redesign, someone can 'Report' a post. Problem is that if offensive, I can delete it (which is great!) BUT, it is totally removed and no one, not even teacher can retrieve it.

Proposed solution:

A few ways, this could happen are: Option 1) A way for an offensive discussion post to be hidden from other students only. Option 2) Hide from everyone, but upon request to admin or school official, have a way for instructor to see the contents of post.

User role(s):


Community Participant



from my testing today, report a post documentation

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback as an Idea in the Community!

For consistency, the Community Team asks all comments, questions, and requests related to the Discussions/Announcement Rediesgn to be directed to the Feature User Group. Other early adopters share their experiences, and Instructure Product Managers actively monitor that space. I hope you can connect and collaborate with others in that space. This thread has been moved to our Will Not Consider status to streamline our Ideas space and prevent duplicate conversations.

Community Participant

Thanks Kristin. I took a look and just upvoted an existing request there.