[Discussions] Improve UI for Deleted Posts

Problem statement:

The current user interface design of Discussions is confusing for users when a post is deleted. The lack of padding/spacing, borders, or other callouts can make it appear to students that another student has deleted their post. This is because the text noting the deleted post appears to be part of the post that follows it.

Proposed solution:

Add more padding, space, or other visual distinction to these notifications of a deleted post. Also consider hiding these notifications for students, but leaving them present for instructor and staff roles.

User role(s):


Community Participant

Please see a screenshot to further describe the issue with how deleted posts appear with other posts here: https://app.screencast.com/6so1PbOh5CvwO

Community Participant
Problem statement:

When an instructor deletes a "test student" post (which occurs while testing the course out as a test student before the course begins), the "deleted by" verbiage is visible to students. It would be helpful if this "deleted by" verbiage was removed from the students' perspective so that students do not get the wrong idea that their instructor is deleting classmates' posts when in reality they are really just trying to clean up the discussion thread.

Proposed solution:

Hide the "deleted by" verbiage from the students' view, but keep it in the instructors' view if an instructor deletes a discussion post.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

In the past there was an option to hide "Deleted by User" notifications with a discussion board to clear the clutter if multiple posts had been deleted. - (Update 2017) https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Releases/Canvas-Production-Release-Notes-2017-02-18/ta-p/2... With the new Discussion board this option is no longer available save for changing the view from All to Unread which isn't always desired.

Proposed solution:

A return of the button to quickly hide all deleted posts and possibly a means of keeping it hidden from students and optional for instructors. I can see the benefit of a user being able to see that their own post is deleted to confirm their action but maybe not the ability for students to see posts deleted by their instructor or other students.

User role(s):
