Easier Importing/Exporting Content from One Course to Another

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


Sharing assignments, discussions, quizzes, etc., is a tedious process with the current exporting and importing methods.  For teachers who want to import newly created content into several of their active courses in a subject area, the process takes more time than it needs to - it should be much easier and quicker for the end user.


The way Commons allows users to import content from the shared space into their courses (multiple courses in seconds with a few simple clicks) works very well (see attachment: Commons Import).  Teachers can share content with themselves through the Commons to allow quick importing; but this method does not transfer settings, such as due dates, shuffling answers, multiple attempts, etc.


I am proposing an idea that puts the ease of importing from the Commons into Canvas courses.  Rather than going through the multiple steps of exporting/importing through the course settings, users should be able to select the option to send an assignment, discussion, quiz, page, etc., by clicking on the settings icon.  Destination courses could either appear in a list connected to the option (see attachment: Import Connected Menu) or - to model the "Move To..." feature - clicking the import option could open a new box where the user would select the course (see attachment: Import Send To Box).  Content shared this way should include the settings the teacher has selected, as well.  This method of sharing content among courses a teacher runs will save a lot of time and lead to more use of Canvas, especially by those who feel less comfortable using technology than others.



Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2017-06-12) .

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2017-06-12) .

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed