[Syllabus] Enhance Canvas Course Syllabus by adding version control / history

Problem statement:

Canvas Course Syllabus is extremely valuable whether used as a Course Home Page, or used as a linked overview of the course / scheme of work. In both cases the inclusion of the Course Summary as a list of assignment and To Do items adds significant value in comparison with the standard Canvas page. However, if a teacher makes a mistake when editing their Syllabus page, they might wipe out hours of work, and if they save, their work is gone forever. In contrast, a Canvas Pages Home Page carries a version history which means i) it is always possible to recover an earlier version of the page being worked on and ii) it is always to see each occasion and teacher for every page edit. This is invaluable to us in recovering lost work and tracing teachers in need of support.

Proposed solution:

Please add Version History/Control to Canvas Syllabus in order to add further value. to strengthen its importance, and to protect teachers from irrecoverable errors and frustration. This would take the same form as the existing Canvas Page Version History. Were this to be put in place we would certainly be looking seriously at making Course Syllabus the home page across most deliveries and sites.

User role(s):
