Erase Saved Speedgrader Rubric Entry

There are times where I will mistakenly fill out the rubric in speedgrader for the wrong student (usually with "on paper" assignments where the assignment is not on the screen next to the rubric). It would be really helpful to be able to delete the rubric entry I saved to Student A when I meant it to be for Student B. If Student A didn't submit the assignment, I have to go through and manually mark everything as missing in the rubric to get the score to 0. Alternatively, being able to unselect a criterion after clicking it would solve this problem.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-06-09) .

Community Participant

I wholeheartedly second this.  If there is a way to clear a rubric that I filled out in speedgrader for a student, I haven't found it.  So if I fill in the rubric for the wrong student, which I've done when looking at discussion posts and replies, I can't erase it, only choose different scores for that student.  I would like to be able to erase it until I get to that student, so there is no possibility of my forgetting or accidentally posting an incorrect score.

Community Member

Yes, as we are building our own outcomes and rubrics to match our own standards based report card I'm realizing if their is a comprehension rubric with multiple outcomes and you may not address all outcomes/standards in one assignments. If you accidently mark one you are not addressing there is no way to unmark/unclick it. This would be an amazing feature. 

The only other option would be to modify the outcomes to contain a 'did not address' or 'N/A' type of value. 

Comments from Instructure


Hi, @kencarrell@akhuebel, and @cthorpe1!

Just wanted to let you know that the ability to deselect a score on a rubric was just deployed to beta and will be available in production with our upcoming production deploy on June 9th.   

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