Extend time in new quizzes

Problem statement:

In classic quizzes, I could extend a student's time in a quiz by going to moderate and clicking on that student's time. That feature was removed in new quizzes. I can extend time for a quiz before a student takes it, but once a student is in the quiz, I cannot adjust their time limit. Please bring back the feature that allowed me to give more or less time to a student who is currently taking the quiz!

Proposed solution:

In new quizzes under moderate, make it so that, when I adjust a student's time for a quiz, it will immediately be applied to the quiz they are currently taking.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hello @data314 -

Thanks for taking the time to share this idea with the Instructure Community!

I believe that adding time while a quiz is in progress was released a few weeks ago! After exploring the release notes, let us know if this update meets your needs or if there is additional functionality you need.

Canvas Release Notes (2024-10-19) 

Community Member

I tried to extend a quiz for some students today in new quizzes.  When I told the computer to give them more time, it did not add any time to their current attempt, but it did add time for their second attempt.  However, if a student is currently taking the quiz, I cannot adjust their time for their current attempt.