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Canvas Release Notes (2024-10-19)

Canvas Release Notes (2024-10-19)

Upcoming Canvas Changes


  • Removal of null values in custom parameter values
  • Expands all group related LTI variable expansions.

For more information, please see Upcoming Canvas Changes.

In this Canvas release (19 October), on the Account Level Grading page, admins can set a default grading scheme for an account or sub-account, and the legacy Analytics link has been removed at the Account level. When users sign out of Canvas, systems using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard require specific details for proper redirection, and Canvas fully complies with the OpenID Core specification for verifying identity tokens. In New Quizzes, instructors can moderate ongoing attempts by extending the time, the student course-level accommodation modal link is relocated to the Student column, and instructors can control the timing and visibility of feedback and correct answers in the New Quizzes settings.

All Resources | Features in this release may be included in product blogs and other content areas. For all related links, view the 2024-10-19 Community tag.

Table of Contents

New Features

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Account Level Default Grading Scheme [Delayed as of 2024-10-21]


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool



Account Level Settings-Manage

Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

Account and Sub-Account Level Grading

Related Ideas

[Account Settings] Default grading scheme

[Account Settings] Default Grading Schemes at the Account Level

[Account Settings] Sub-Account Grading Scheme


On the Account Level Grading page, admins can set an account or sub-account default grading scheme.

Note: Course-level default grading schemes can only be set after the Enable Course Grading Scheme option is enabled in the Course Settings of a course. Once enabled, instructors can select the grading scheme they want to use as the course default, which will override any account-level default grading schemes. If the Enable Course Grading Scheme course setting is not enabled, the course will inherit the account-level default grading scheme.

Change Benefit

This feature simplifies grading scheme setup by allowing institutions to set a default grading scheme at the account or sub-account level, ensuring consistency across all courses. 

Feature Workflow

Account Level Grading Scheme Drop-Down MenuAccount Level Grading Scheme Drop-Down Menu

On the Account or Sub-Account level grading page, Click the Account default grading scheme drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the desired grading scheme [2].

Account Level Grading Scheme Apply ButtonAccount Level Grading Scheme Apply Button

Once a grading scheme is selected, click the Apply button.

Account Level Grading Scheme SelectionAccount Level Grading Scheme Selection

Once applied, the default grading scheme displays in the Account default grading scheme drop-down menu [1]. To view all courses the grading scheme is located, click the Show locations used link [2].

Feature Video

Not Available



Feature Options

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Feature options allow institutions to enable newly developed Canvas functionality according to their preferred time frame. Unless otherwise noted, all feature options are opt-in and do not require any action by a Canvas admin until a feature's enforcement date is announced. For a complete list of feature options, please see Canvas LMS Feature Options.

A feature preview label indicates a feature option in active development, which is being built directly through user feedback. Feature previews deploy updates outside the regular Canvas release schedule and are posted in the Related Releases section in Canvas Releases & Deploys.

Please reference the table below each feature heading for specific feature information. For general information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.


OpenID Connect RP Initiated Logout


Feature Option Name to Enable

OpenID Connect RP Initiated Logout Parameters

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked) until 2024-10-05, then the feature option default status is Enabled/Locked.

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool



Inherent to user

Related APIs

OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout 1.0

Affects User Interface


Affected Area


Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability


Enforcement Date

2024-11-16; see Upcoming Canvas Changes

Feature Option State


Related Ideas



When users sign out of Canvas, the system may need specific details to handle the process correctly. For systems that follow the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard, providing the right information ensures proper redirection after sign-out. If the system is not fully OIDC-compliant, it might recognize the details but not process them accurately. In such cases, admins may need to add a specific URL ( to their system's settings to ensure correct redirection. Additionally, any `state` parameter provided during sign-out should be passed along to the `post_logout_redirect_uri`. Canvas will not alter custom settings, so adjustments may be needed if the system previously did not return users to Canvas.

Change Benefit

This update ensures a smooth and accurate sign-out process for users.

Feature Workflow

OpenID Connect RP Initiated Logout Parameters Feature OptionOpenID Connect RP Initiated Logout Parameters Feature Option

Admins can enable the OpenID Connect RP Initiated Logout Parameters.

Feature Video

Not Available



Implement Token Validation in OpenID Connect


Feature Option Name to Enable

Perform Full Validation of OpenID Connect Tokens

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked) until 2024-10-05, then the feature option default status is Enabled/Locked.

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool



Inherent to user

Related APIs

ID Token Validation

Affects User Interface


Affected Area


Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability


Feature Option State


Enforcement Date

2024-11-16; see Upcoming Canvas Changes

Related Ideas



Canvas fully complies with the OpenID Core specification for verifying identity tokens. It checks several important details that were not previously validated:

  • Audience (who the token is for), Issuer (who sent the token), Issued At, Expiration, and Nonce (a random value to prevent reuse) must all be included in the token.
  • The Audience must match the Client ID set in Canvas.
  • The Issuer must match the Issuer setting in Canvas.
  • The token must be issued no more than 5 minutes after the current time.
  • The token's expiration must be in the future.
  • The Nonce must be sent and returned exactly as it was received.

The token also needs to be securely signed. It can be signed using a secret key or a published public key, which Canvas can access automatically if provided.

Note: Admins must complete the Issuer Identity field in the settings before enabling this feature, as well as provide the JWKS URI if signing tokens with a private key.

Change Benefit

This change makes it easier for admins to set up identity verification and ensures that settings stay updated. Additionally, it improves security and accuracy for identity verification within Canvas.

Feature Workflow

OpenID Connect PageOpenID Connect Page

On the OpenID Connect page, the Discovery URL field [1], Issuer Identifier field[2], Token Endpoint Authentication Method field [3], and JWKS URI field [4] are added.

Feature Video

Not Available



New Quizzes

Add Time to Existing Quiz Sessions


Feature Option Name to Enable

New Quizzes

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Inherent to user

Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

New Quizzes

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability


Feature Option State


Related Ideas

[New Quizzes] Ability to add more time to an in-progress quiz

[New Quizzes] Extra Time while Quiz in Progress


While a New Quiz attempt is ongoing, instructors can moderate a quiz and extend the time allotted for the quiz. Additionally, the student course-level accommodation modal link is moved to the Student column. Previously, this was linked in the Accommodations column.

Note: Extending the time of an ongoing quiz does not affect the instructor's interface.

Change Benefit

This feature allows instructors to accommodate students who may need extra time due to various circumstances by providing additional time during an active quiz session.

Feature Workflow

Course-Level Accommodation Modal LinkCourse-Level Accommodation Modal Link

On the Moderate page, the course-level accommodation modal is linked to the student’s name.

Feature Video

Not Available



Manage Student Result View


Feature Option Name to Enable

New Quizzes

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Inherent to user role

Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

New Quizzes

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not available

Feature Option State


Related Ideas

[New Quizzes] Show and Hide Quiz Results by Date


In the New Quizzes Settings, instructors can select the timing and visibility of feedback and correct answers for students.

Change Benefit

This feature helps instructors enhance learning by timing feedback to reinforce understanding, encourage independent learning, and prevent cheating. It also allows for better alignment with review sessions and ensures fairness by standardizing the feedback process for all students.

Feature Workflow

Hide Results from Students ToggleHide Results from Students Toggle

On the Settings page in New Quizzes, a Hide results from Students setting is available. This option is disabled by default.


Hide Results from Students OptionsHide Results from Students Options

When the Hide results from students setting is enabled, instructors have the option to selectively display some or all of the following: Show Questions [1], Show Points Possible [2], and Show Points Awarded [3].


Show Questions OptionsShow Questions Options

When the Show Questions option is enabled, instructors have the options to Show Student responses [1] and Show feedback [2]. 


Show Student Response OptionsShow Student Response Options

When the Show student responses option is enabled, instructors can choose when results are displayed after a specific attempt [1] and set specific Show on [2] and Hide on [3] dates and times. Additionally, they can display correct and incorrect responses using the Indicate response as correct or incorrect option, and decide whether to show the correct answer [4], either immediately or only after the student's final attempt [6]. These settings can also be configured to Show on [7] or Hide on [8] particular dates.

Feature Video

Embed Code:
<iframe width="560px" height="320px" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay *" title="Release Screencast: 2024-10-19 New Quizzes: Manage Student Result View" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Other Updates

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Removal of Legacy Account Analytics


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool




Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Area

Account Navigation

Related Ideas



At the Account level, the legacy Analytics link is removed. For analytics, admins should refer to Admin Analytics and the Analytics Hub links.

Change Benefit

This change reduces the number of areas that administrators need to check for analytics.

Feature Video

Not Available



Change Log


Delayed Grading: Account Level Default Grading Scheme


Delayed Grading: Account Level Default Grading Scheme


Updated Beta and Production availability dates for New Quizzes: Add Time to Existing Quiz Sessions


Added Screencast for New Quizzes: Manage Student Result View


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