[Gradebook] Batch Updates to score and status
It takes several individual clicks to either mark assignments missing, excused, or zero them out. In our previous LMS, there was a "batch update" function that allowed teachers to select all unsubmitted student work in an assignment and mark as a zero (for all of them at once). On the flip side, we could also select "completed" and return for a grade, which returned the full points for the students.
In our previous LMS, there was a "batch update" function that allowed teachers to select all unsubmitted students and mark as a zero. Or select all "completed" and return for a grade. When returning grades for dozens of students, it saves significant time to be able to "batch update" assignments. It saves clicking on each individual student and entering a grade dozens of times. A batch update can be as few as "select missing," "assign grade," "submit grade" for dozens of students.
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Make grading more efficient and effective Theme Status: Identified