[Gradebook] Due Date Visible in Header

Problem statement:

When looking at the Gradebook view the table headers for the grades can show important things like Assignment titles, and total points/scores for that assignment. It would also be useful to have an option in the Gradebook View settings to turn on more information about the assignments like due date etc.

Proposed solution:

In addition to Notes, Unpublished Assignments, Hide Assignment Group Totals, Hide Total Column in the Show options of the Gradebook settings, also add other items like due date. This would allow the user to see due dates in addition to other information about each assignment.

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1 Comment
Community Member
Problem statement:

This issue has been submitted but there was never a reply: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Gradebook-Due-Date-Visible-in-Header/idi-p/587185 I've marked student's grade as 0 for assignments that show as not submitted in the Gradebook.

Proposed solution:

Display the due date in the Gradebook header of the Assignment, Quiz, Discussion, etc.

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