[Gradebook] Identify Hidden Grades in Grades and SpeedGrader
We recently discovered that if an assignment has the Automatic Post Policy applied and you hide grades, it is only hiding the grades that exist at the time you click Hide Grades. Grades you enter after hiding grades are still ‘honoring’ the Automatic Post policy applied and are visible to those students. We had been working under the assumption that clicking Hide Grades on an assignment with an Automatic Post Policy would hide all (current and future) grades, until grades are posted.
While we recognize the additional flexibility this provides to faculty, we also recognize that this is not how faculty expect the Hide Grades to function.
We would like to propose that Canvas add indicators to the Grades page and SpeedGrader to clearly indicate which grades are or will be hidden. These indicators should be visible in both places without faculty needing to click anything.
For example, right now, when I click the option to "Post Grades", Canvas indicates the hidden grades with a dot (indicating action needs to be taken). Couldn't those dots be added to the main view of Grades, so I can see them without having to click on "Post Grades" first?
In SpeedGrader, please also add some text to the sidebar that states whether the grade to be entered will be hidden (if the current settings will hide the grade).
This is a companion request to https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/15169-change-functionality-of-eye-icon-in-speedgrader