[Gradebook] Keep Gradebook Completely Unfiltered by Default

The new gradebook is amazing! We love the filtering capabilities! But something has come to my attention. The gradebook defaults to showing grades only for the current grading period UNLESS you go View > Filters > Grading Periods > All Grading Periods.

I think filters should be a choice, and that All Grading Periods for a course should be viewed in the gradebook by default unless chosen by the instructor. This will simplify a lot of things for my instructors and students.

Also, this functionality extends to the "Assignments" page for students using the Student App, I noticed that when I attached grading periods to the term, it would default to showing only grades in the specific term we are currently in, which confused some people. This is another place where, again, I think filters should be opt-in, not opt-out style features in order to keep visibility of everything totally intact unless you choose to filter.

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Any other people having this issue? Teachers shouldn't have to filter to see the entire gradebook, that's like the opposite of what filtering is!!

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Here's what I found thru my CSM from those who are over the product: "This is done intentionally and will not change. It provides faster loading of the gradebook and also provides focus for the instructor on what is included in the specific grading period. Also, the instructor is unable to edit grades for any assignment that has at least one student in a closed grading period."

Ok, that's fine. But on other areas of Canvas where you autmatically filter based on grading period (like on the student gradebook view, and assignment view) there is a clear indication that the view of things is being filtered based on which term you are in. This is NOT the case for Grading Periods in the instructor view of the gradebook. You have to click on Filters > Grading Periods in order to learn that there is, in fact, a filter happening on the gradebook.

This is common sense User Interface. If there is a filter automatically applied, please update the user interface on the gradebook to automatically show that filter is applied, with the dropdown option to select "All Grading Periods".

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