[Gradebook] Make Late Policy Available for Complete/Incomplete Assignments

Problem statement:

Instructors who opt for Labor-Based Contract Grading need the flexibility to add the "lateness" feature to Complete/Incomplete assignments. Students also need to see in the gradebook how many late assignments they have add, as this affects their final grade in a labor-based contract graded course.

Proposed solution:

Allow late completed work to present as an X with a small superscript L in the gradebook for students and instructors to see. Currently, this inc/complete grading is rigid and not useful for alternative grading approaches that allow a limited number of late completed assignments before the final grade is affected . Please make the INC/Complete grading function more flexible. It is so rigid and dichotomous right now. See Asao Inoue's work on Labor Based Contract Grading and Inclusive, Universal Access for Students.

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

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