[Gradebook] Post individual grades (as opposed to sections)

Problem statement:

There's no ability to post individual grades in Gradebook. The section feature is great, but it'd be great to be able to release individual grades (and leave others hidden e.g. when needing double/second marking etc).

Proposed solution:

Enable posting of single/individual grades in Gradebook. While there's the ability to post the grades for individual sections, it'd be useful to have this function available for individual submissions too.

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Added to Theme

Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Currently there is no way to hide grades from specific students when posting grades in Gradebook. There is only an option to hide grades from all students in Gradebook. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-hide-grades-that-were-previously-posted...

Proposed solution:

Implement an option for the instructor to hide posted grades for specific students in Gradebook.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

The current process applies either to everyone or sections who received grades. This will make the notifications very painful to students in the cohort who received 100% already when teachers are marking multiple resubmissions for formative and summative tasks.

Proposed solution:

The proposed solution is to allow the Post Marks function to reveal or hide the marks from the student the teacher is grading and not affect other students in the cohort and section.

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